Summer Academy


"Summer Seminar Academy Acting",


       in the centre of Hamburg, summer 2021

            with the ArtriumArtCompany

With "Lukas Scheja", artistic director of Artrium, and with our artistic leadership team, as well as further adept and experienced tutors from our training courses.

A highlight for artists wanting to undertake further training and for people who love acting. The 10 Day Acting Seminar with the Artrium theatre company is spent in fascinating locations in and around the hanseatic city of Hamburg.

You will become acquainted with the comprehensive portfolio of our acting training program. This seminar features special events such as acting training, outdoors and indoors, adventure improvisation theatre, phonetics, singing, dance and drama sessions for stage as well as film and multimedia. We will visit specific theatre productions and cinema film screenings. We will go out on bike excursions in and around Hamburg with special acting tasks to tackle for the various teams and we'll create sport events on the River Elbe's beaches for the company.

This seminar is particularly popular due to its special and adventurous program. Usually between 40-50 people take part. This seminar has inspired many participants to start an acting course and follow an artistic career path.

For its base, this academy uses the rooms at Artrium, in the centre of Hamburg, in Altona. The weather at this time of year has always proved to be simply stunning - and we speak with 15 years of experience.

Your artistic work during this seminar takes place in a protective working atmosphere; the goal is to achieve a top-level quality of work. You will be well looked after and are assigned a mentor who can provide help and advice. We are very happy to answer questions you might have!

Time: 14.06. - 24.06.2021
Cost: 450 € (this does not include accommodation and catering)

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